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Introduction to Photography

Introduction to Photography

An introduction to photography for kids. This lesson includes the basics for taking better photos. The lesson comprises of the topics: ISO, rule of thirds, empty space, leading lines, macro photography, long exposure, image size and resolution. Additionally there is an assignment to boost creative photography.
Introduction to networks

Introduction to networks

An introduction to networks explains the basics of networks for kids. The lesson discusses the topics: Networks hardware, Wireless communication, Types of networks (LAN, WAN, WiFi), internet Vs. intranet. Concluding the lesson with a short quiz.
Introduction to ICT

Introduction to ICT

This lesson covers the basics of ICT for kids. The positive and negative impact of ICT on our daily life, advantages and disadvantages. Applications of ICT in various aspects of our life such as Business, Banking, Entertainment, Education, Healthcare, Government etc. Negative impact on privacy, environment, health, etc. The lesson discusses the usage of ICT in our daily life. Includes class discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of each aspect of ICT (Business, Banking, Entertainment, Education, Healthcare, Government). Additionally the lesson covers usage of technology at work and at home with some negative impacts on our life (privacy, environment, health).